Why the World Sucks and What We Can Do About It

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Tired of watching the news, which is almost always bad? Frustrated at the deterioration of our society? Concerned about the world we will leave to our children? Think that the average person was a better person a generation or two ago?

Politics won’t solve the problem. It’s now a game which goes round in circles, accomplishing little. Financial mismanagement is everywhere. Look at Greece, Spain and Italy. But also look at France and the United States. We’re managing our governments like spoiled children. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s liberals or conservatives who are in charge.

Both left and right are to blame because the problem is the system itself. “Why the World Sucks” outlines the issues and provides possible solutions. From a slightly eccentric point of view and with a little bit of humor. What more could you ask for?

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Neulandt (Under Construction)


The world we live in is a mess. Our leaders lie with impunity. Governments are deadlocked. Cities and countries are flirting with default. And can you believe it? A parking ticket can cost more than a careless driving ticket.

The 20th century promise of a great society has turned out to be bunk. Our own neighbors are hypocritical and dishonest. Citizenship and common courtesy are endangered species. Even terrorists call us “decadent and corrupt”.

Politically we’re paralyzed. Conservatives come across as selfish. Liberals come across as lazy. Right and left are both blinded by self-interest, making civilized discussion impossible. And don’t think the legal system will be any help. It’s arrogant, showing little respect for citizens and giving scant consideration to the innocent.

So why does the world suck? Because we’re not asking the right questions. Should leaders be allowed to lie? Did democracy contribute to the Greek financial crisis? Will I eventually need a license to pee? Questions like these need answers. And solutions.

“Why the World Sucks” offers a fresh view of our shortcomings along with some possible remedies. Steering clear of politics, it dissects the system itself rather than pushing any particular ideology. Sometimes lightheartedly. Sometimes a little preachy. But with a dash of humility.

Nothing is sacred. No idea is too far-fetched. And no solution is perfect. It’s a different thought process, a discussion that’s long overdue. Will you be a part of it?