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Il Vendetta

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Few knew the truth: the world's largest retailer would lie, steal and murder. This secret was protected by a clandestine security group, paid for out of the profits from a trillion dollars in annual sales. Profits also enabled senior managers to enjoy private jets and massive bonuses as they misled employees, customers and shareholders.

At the same time, suppliers and employees struggled to make ends meet. Some factories were pushed into bankruptcy, even forcing Chinese government involvement. Yet the retailer didn’t come under public scrutiny until its own employees were physically attacked.

Mark Davidson learned Star Stores’ dirty little secret while working for a supplier. But once he knew the truth, he also became a target. It would be a race against time to disclose what he knew before the retailer could stop him. And Star Stores would stop at nothing to prevent the truth from getting out, including extortion, kidnapping and murder.

Throw in evil managers, weak buyers, innocent suppliers, vindictive employees, and this is a story not to be missed.